
 弟子のトマスが、イエスの刺された脇腹の穴に指を差し入れなければ信じないと言った場面が朗読された。  見なくて、信じることの大切さをイエスが説いた。  **********************************************************  普段からイエスは、しるしがなくても、信じることを説く。しるし、病気が治る、成功する、貧乏や争いごとから逃れられる。 それを求めるのは人間の性。でもそれを求め続けると平和にならない。  しるしがなくても信じる、それは自分にも人にも平和をもたらす   Believing without signs

Today is the second Sunday after the resurrection of Christ.

The scene where the disciple Thomas said he would not believe unless he could insert his finger into the hole in Jesus's side, where he was pierced, was read.

Jesus taught the importance of believing without seeing.

Normally, Jesus preaches to believe without signs. Signs, such as healing from sickness, achieving success, or escaping from poverty and conflict, are what humans desire. But constantly seeking them does not lead to peace.

Believing without signs brings peace to oneself and others.