新旧訳聖書を読むのワ-クショップ6回目をして 世界と人生の交差点

新旧訳聖書を読むのワ-クショップ6回目をして 世界と人生の交差点


その時間の流れは、創世記から、ヨハネの黙示録に重なる、人間の 世界の創生から、最後の審判までの流れと交差する。




Exploring the Intersection of Life and the World in Our Sixth Bible Reading Workshop

It has been over half a year since we started our workshop for reading the New and Old Testaments. As death draws nearer than it is distant, I find myself contemplating the end and the beginning of life.

The flow of time in our readings spans from Genesis to the Book of Revelation, intersecting with the creation of the world and humanity, and culminating in the final judgement.

Interpreting the dreams of prophets is akin to deciphering the world itself. This extends beyond the inner realms of human hearts to the elements and structures of the universe.

The definition and scope of religion evolve over time.

Reading Both the New and Old Testaments Expands Our Perspectives

I plan to continue reading both Testaments simultaneously, as it broadens our imagery and perspectives.