井枝尼 理出亜 研究室から 竜使い 1


で井枝尼 理出亜のゲームを開く。

 革命美人戦士、井枝尼 理出亜が労働組合本部から、妖精を倒し、女王のように美しい竜の化身、妖艶な女神に一撃をあたえ、竜使いに



 竜も私も倒し、世界を作り変えようとする井枝尼 理出亜。宿敵なのに、愛が生まれそうになる。それは何故だろう。

IENA RIDEA  emerges from her lab, transitioning from a fund to a Democratic Party policy staffer, from Google to the UN Secretariat, and finally becoming a professor at Harvard University. There, she launches her game.

Revolutionary beauty warrior, IENA REDIA, moves from the labor union headquarters to defeat fairies and strike a goddess incarnated as a beautifully queenly dragon with a single blow, becoming a dragon tamer attacked by the creature. She works from various angles, reads, and controls the structure of this world. The world, at times wild, is gently soothed by the dragon. She draws a line, not dominated by the dragon.

Irie Na Rissa, intent on overthrowing the world along with the dragon, finds herself on the verge of love with her arch-enemy. Why could that be?