新旧訳聖書を読むのワ-クショップ 5回目 2  仏教と創世記 





#創世記 #一神教#キリスト#仏教

 Workshop 5, Session 2: Buddhism and Genesis

Buddhism does not have a Genesis. I had felt discomfort in seeking points of agreement between Buddhism and Christianity, but now I see that Christ never relinquishes the self that was created. Buddhism denies the existence of the self, relinquishing the subjective and objective, and in doing so, reaffirms the relationship with God of the created self. The history of humanity from creation to the present and unto the last day, my own history, there's a flow of time that cannot be understood without Genesis.

Just as the Kojiki or Greek mythology differs from Genesis, the difference with monotheism can be felt in the presence or absence of creation. From a social analytical perspective, it could be said that the Bible was formed by suppressing and destroying many myths and polytheistic pantheons. However, there is a world visible only through the Bible, starting with Genesis.

I believe in that and do not adopt the Buddhist stance.

#Genesis #Monotheism #Christ #Buddhism






 聖土曜日の神の不在 死後の魂の行く場所の話を聞いている最中に脱水症状になった。








I became ill during a retreat at church and spent a day in bed.

During Holy Saturday, while listening to discussions on the absence of God and the destination of souls after death, I became dehydrated.

Later, my family told me that the talk continued to the descent of Jesus into purgatory, a place before hell, which reaffirmed my gratitude for being a believer.

The Apostle's Creed, which I have been praying for 30 years.

"He descended into hell, on the third day he rose again from the dead, ascended into heaven," touches me deeply. Even in death, He is by my side.

I forced myself to briefly attend a farewell party for a young friend. It's almost been a decade of friendship. With people of varying ages, I witnessed milestones and smiles before leaving the venue.

Then, I fell back into sleep.

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Creator of Heaven and Earth,
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
Born of the Virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into Hell;
On the third day, He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into Heaven,
And is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
From there He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
The holy catholic Church,
The communion of saints,
The forgiveness of sins,
The resurrection of the body,
And life everlasting. Amen.


月の満ち欠けの中で 閉じで開く窓の音楽

月の満ち欠けの中で 閉じで開く窓の音楽


 * 特集の他に、最新の研究の記事は毎月移り変わる紹介される。その時その時の宇宙世界の構造の研究の進むさま、はるか遠くの宇宙


 *太陽の活動の報告 客観的に見える太陽の様、母なる光がささやき、朝の昼の夕方に私たちに、植物に、動物に注ぎ込む。

 *流星群の報告 淡々と報告される流星の量と軌道、月により、異なるところから流れゆく流星、

 *惑星  惑星の位置と光、表面の移り変わり。

 *彗星  次々と太陽系の奥から現れる彗星たち、その軌道と光度。

 *変光星 移り変わる恒星の光、その光度の数値。そこに恒星の構造が見える。



 月の満ち欠けの中で 閉じは開く窓の音楽を聴きながら。



In the phases of the moon, the music of a window closing and opening

For years I can't remember, I've been reading the astronomy magazine Tenmon Guide, while many similar monthly astronomy magazines have come and gone, this one somehow never disappears.

In addition to special features, articles on the latest research change every month, introduced. The state of advancing research on the structure of the cosmic world, events in the distant universe are reported.

Programs at planetariums held in various places

Reports on solar activity, the appearance of the sun as seen objectively, the motherly light whispers, pouring into us, plants, and animals in the morning, noon, and evening.

Reports on meteor showers, the number and orbit of meteors reported calmly, meteors flowing from different places depending on the moon,

Planets, the position and light of planets, and the changing surface.

Comets, comets appearing one after another from the depths of the solar system, their orbits, and luminosity.

Variable stars, the changing light of stars, and their luminosity values. There, the structure of the stars is visible.

And concluded with many photos of celestial bodies

Calmly conveyed numbers, facts. From there, people decipher the meaning of the world. And are enveloped in light

In the phases of the moon, listening to the music of a window that closes and opens.

#AstronomyGuide #Numbers #Window<a href="https://atatakakaimachi.up.seesaa.net/image/P101023020E69C88-bb12b.JPG" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="P1010230 月.JPG" src="https://atatakakaimachi.up.seesaa.net/image/P101023020E69C88-bb12b-thumbnail2.JPG" width="640" height="480"></a>

月の満ち欠けの中で 閉じで開く窓の音楽


 * 特集の他に、最新の研究の記事は毎月移り変わる紹介される。その時その時の宇宙世界の構造の研究の進むさま、はるか遠くの宇宙


 *太陽の活動の報告 客観的に見える太陽の様、母なる光がささやき、朝の昼の夕方に私たちに、植物に、動物に注ぎ込む。

 *流星群の報告 淡々と報告される流星の量と軌道、月により、異なるところから流れゆく流星、

 *惑星  惑星の位置と光、表面の移り変わり。

 *彗星  次々と太陽系の奥から現れる彗星たち、その軌道と光度。

 *変光星 移り変わる恒星の光、その光度の数値。そこに恒星の構造が見える。



 月の満ち欠けの中で 閉じは開く窓の音楽を聴きながら。



In the phases of the moon, the music of a window closing and opening

For years I can't remember, I've been reading the astronomy magazine Tenmon Guide, while many similar monthly astronomy magazines have come and gone, this one somehow never disappears.

In addition to special features, articles on the latest research change every month, introduced. The state of advancing research on the structure of the cosmic world, events in the distant universe are reported.

Programs at planetariums held in various places

Reports on solar activity, the appearance of the sun as seen objectively, the motherly light whispers, pouring into us, plants, and animals in the morning, noon, and evening.

Reports on meteor showers, the number and orbit of meteors reported calmly, meteors flowing from different places depending on the moon,

Planets, the position and light of planets, and the changing surface.

Comets, comets appearing one after another from the depths of the solar system, their orbits, and luminosity.

Variable stars, the changing light of stars, and their luminosity values. There, the structure of the stars is visible.

And concluded with many photos of celestial bodies

Calmly conveyed numbers, facts. From there, people decipher the meaning of the world. And are enveloped in light

In the phases of the moon, listening to the music of a window that closes and opens.

#AstronomyGuide #Numbers #Window<a href="https://atatakakaimachi.up.seesaa.net/image/P101023020E69C88-bb12b.JPG" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="P1010230 月.JPG" src="https://atatakakaimachi.up.seesaa.net/image/P101023020E69C88-bb12b-thumbnail2.JPG" width="640" height="480"></a>






#AI #絵画#対話#哲学Drawing pictures and forming images with AI (talking with AI and talking with people)

Ironically, the frustration of not being able to fully express myself in paintings has led me to improve my skills. This is the same when using conversational AI; by expressing what I couldn't do through interactions with conversational AI, I have been able to enhance my skills.

Recently, I have been linking image-forming AI with conversational AI and integrating them with SNS. Furthermore, I am thinking about establishing connections with programming and data science.

I believe that if one's unexpressible sensations and religious sentiments are the foundation, one can talk to people without being swayed by AI.

#AI #Painting #Dialogue #Philosophy "








アラヤ識: 無意識の層で、経験や行動が潜在的に蓄積されます。
カルマと再生: 行動によって蓄積された「種子」が、個人の未来の生命や体験に影響を与える要因となります。

神の言葉/福音: 信仰や救済の成長に影響を与える「種」として、人々の心に播かれます。
比喩的使用: キリスト教の教義や教えの普及、受容、成長を象徴します。
哲学と宗教的背景: 仏教は東洋哲学に根ざし、因果律と無常を重視します。対してキリスト教一神教として、神の存在と人間の救済を中心に据えています。
個人の経験と普遍的な教義: 仏教の「種子」は個人の心と行動に焦点を当てているのに対し、キリスト教の「種」はより普遍的な教義とその受容に重点を置いています。
 同じ種でも意味は違う。それででありたい。Title: Deep Insights into the 'Seed' Concepts in Buddhism and Christianity
Blog Text:
Hello to everyone exploring the world of religion and philosophy. Today, I want to delve deeply into the 'seed' concepts in Buddhism and Christianity, which form the core of the teachings and philosophy of these two religions. These two religions are fascinating subjects for comparison because their underlying philosophies differ significantly.

Buddhist 'Seed' (Theory of Seeds)

In Buddhism, the concept of 'seed' is often associated with 'Alaya consciousness'. This is a layer of the subconscious mind where all sensory experiences and actions are latently stored, functioning as 'seeds' for future actions and experiences. This process significantly influences an individual's karma and cycle of rebirth.

  • Alaya Consciousness: A layer of subconsciousness where experiences and actions are latently stored.

  • Karma and Rebirth: The 'seeds' accumulated through actions become factors affecting an individual's future life and experiences.

Christian 'Seed' (Metaphorical Usage)

In contrast, Christianity often uses the concept of 'seed' metaphorically. Especially in the parables of Jesus Christ, the 'seed' symbolizes the word of God or the Gospel, illustrating how it falls on different soils (hearts of people) and produces various results.

  • Word of God/Gospel: Sown in people's hearts as a 'seed', influencing the growth of faith and salvation.

  • Metaphorical Usage: Symbolizes the spread, acceptance, and growth of Christian doctrines and teachings.

Fundamental Differences

  • Philosophical and Religious Backgrounds: Buddhism is rooted in Eastern philosophy, emphasizing causality and impermanence. In contrast, Christianity, as a monotheistic religion, centers on the existence of God and human salvation.

  • Individual Experience and Universal Doctrine: While the Buddhist 'seed' focuses on individual minds and actions, the Christian 'seed' emphasizes more universal doctrines and their acceptance.

By understanding these differences, we can gain deeper insights into the distinct religious traditions of Buddhism and Christianity, each reflecting a different worldview and understanding of human existence.
Hashtags#Buddhism #Christianity #ReligiousPhilosophy #TheoryOfSeeds #MetaphoricalConcepts #AlayaConsciousness #Karma #Gospel #ReligiousComparisons



1. 神の性質と創造観
キリスト教: キリスト教では、神は全能で全知の創造者とされ、世界は神による善意の表れとされます。神は愛と正義を体現し、人間との関係を重視します。
グノーシス主義: グノーシス主義では、この世界を創造した神(デミウルゴス)は、より高位の神的な実体から分離された劣った存在と見なされます。物質世界は不完全であり、しばしば悪や無知の源とされることがあります。より高次の神は、この物質的な宇宙から離れた完全な精神的実体とされます。
2. 救済の理解
キリスト教: キリスト教では救済は、イエス・キリストの死と復活によって人類の罪が赦され、永遠の命が可能になることを意味します。信仰、悔い改め、そして神の恵みによって救済が得られます。
グノーシス主義: グノーシス主義では救済は、隠された真実(グノーシス)の知識によって得られ、この知識によって物質的な世界の束縛から精神が解放されます。啓示や内的な体験に重きを置き、しばしば秘密の教義が存在します。
3. 物質世界と精神世界の関係
キリスト教: 物質世界は神によって良く創造されたとされ、霊的な世界と物質的な世界は共存し、互いに影響を与えると考えられます。
グノーシス主義: 物質世界は低次で、しばしば欺瞞的かつ悪いものと見なされます。真の実在は精神的な世界にあり、物質世界は精神の成長や啓発の妨げとされることが多いです。
4. 聖典と伝統の権威
キリスト教: 聖書は神の言葉として最高の権威を持ち、教会の伝統と教義の基盤となります。
グノーシス主義: 聖書外のテキスト、例えば「トマスによる福音書」や他のグノーシス文書が重視されます。これらのテキストはしばしば異なるイエスの像や異なる教えを提示し、伝統的なキリスト教の教義とは異なる解釈を提供します。

differences between Christianity and Gnosticism:

1. Nature of God and View of Creation
Christianity: In Christianity, God is seen as the omnipotent and omniscient creator, and the world is viewed as a manifestation of God's goodness. God embodies love and justice and values a relationship with humanity.
Gnosticism: In Gnosticism, the god who created this world (referred to as the Demiurge) is considered an inferior being, separated from a higher divine entity. The material world is often seen as imperfect, frequently a source of evil or ignorance. The higher God is perceived as a perfect spiritual entity, distinct from this material universe.
2. Understanding of Salvation
Christianity: In Christianity, salvation is understood as humanity's sins being forgiven through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, making eternal life possible. Salvation is attained through faith, repentance, and God's grace.
Gnosticism: In Gnosticism, salvation is achieved through the knowledge (gnosis) of hidden truths, liberating the spirit from the bondage of the material world. Emphasis is placed on revelation and inner experiences, often involving secret doctrines.
3. Relationship Between the Material and Spiritual Worlds
Christianity: The material world is seen as being created good by God, and there is a coexistence and interaction between the spiritual and the material worlds.
Gnosticism: The material world is considered lower, often deceptive and evil. The true reality lies in the spiritual world, and the material world is frequently seen as an obstacle to spiritual growth and enlightenment.
4. Authority of Scripture and Tradition
Christianity: The Bible holds the highest authority as the word of God and forms the foundation of the Church's traditions and doctrines.
Gnosticism: Extra-biblical texts, such as the Gospel of Thomas and other Gnostic writings, are emphasized. These texts often present different portrayals of Jesus and teachings, offering interpretations that diverge from traditional Christian doctrines.
These differences were part of significant debates in early Christianity, with Gnosticism often being regarded as heretical and distinct from official Christian doctrine. Historically, these differences have had a substantial impact on the development of Christianity, playing a crucial role in the establishment of doctrines and faith.








To understand the differences between Teresa of Ávila's "The Interior Castle" and the religions of Islam and Judaism, it's important to compare their fundamental religious doctrines and spiritual concepts.

Basic Religious Frameworks:

"The Interior Castle" is written in the context of Christian, specifically Catholic, mysticism. Teresa of Ávila bases her work on Christian theology and spiritual practice.
Islam is founded on absolute submission to Allah (God) and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Islamic mysticism (such as Sufism) shares an emphasis on personal spiritual experience and internalization, but its practices and doctrines differ from Christian mysticism.
Judaism is based on the Law of Moses and the covenant with God, with mystical traditions like Kabbalah. Kabbalah deeply explores the nature of God and the structure of the universe, but its approach differs from Christian mysticism.
Relationship with God:

In "The Interior Castle," the focus is on personal experience and union with God. Christianity emphasizes the relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
In Islam, the relationship with Allah is expressed through submission, with an emphasis on Allah's absoluteness. Sufism explores a deep personal relationship with God, but within the framework of Islamic teachings.
In Judaism, the relationship with God is expressed through fidelity to God's Law. Mystical traditions like Kabbalah may seek a deeper spiritual understanding, but this occurs within the framework of Jewish Law and tradition.
Spiritual Practice and Goals:

In "The Interior Castle," the main goals are union with God and the purification of the soul.
In Islamic Sufism, the focus is on self-annihilation and complete immersion in Allah, rooted in Islamic teachings.
Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) pursues an understanding of the relationship between God and the world, and deep insights into spiritual truths, based on Jewish Law and tradition.
These differences are rooted in each religion's unique history, theology, and spiritual tradition. Each religion has its own perspective and approach regarding the relationship with God, spiritual practice, and ultimate goals.